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How to deter amphipods from your bird feeder

Keep Amphipods Away: Tips for a Clean Bird Feeder

Amphipods, also known as scuds, are small crustaceans that are attracted to bird feeders. While they are harmless to birds, they can be a nuisance to bird watchers and bird enthusiasts. Fortunately, there are several ways to deter amphipods from your bird feeder. Follow these steps to keep your bird feeder free from these pesky creatures.

Step 1: Clean the bird feeder regularly

Amphipods are attracted to bird feeders that are dirty and have leftover food. To deter them from your bird feeder, you need to keep it clean. Use a scrub brush and soapy water to clean the feeder thoroughly. Make sure to remove all the leftover food debris and rinse it well with water.

Step 2: Use a bird feeder tray

Amphipods are less likely to climb up a bird feeder that has a tray attached to it. The tray will catch any leftover food, preventing it from falling on the ground and attracting amphipods. Make sure to clean the tray regularly as well.

Step 3: Move the bird feeder

If you have tried cleaning the bird feeder and using a tray, but amphipods are still a problem, try moving the feeder to a different location. Amphipods are attracted to moisture, so if your bird feeder is located in a damp area, it may be attracting them. Move the feeder to a drier location, and you may see a decrease in amphipod activity.

Step 4: Use a bird feeder pole

If you are still having trouble deterring amphipods, try using a bird feeder pole. A pole will make it difficult for amphipods to climb up and reach the bird feeder. Make sure to keep the pole clean as well.

Step 5: Use a bird feeder baffle

A bird feeder baffle is a device that is placed on the pole or above the feeder to prevent animals from climbing up. It can be an effective way to deter amphipods from your bird feeder. Make sure to choose a baffle that is the appropriate size for your feeder.

In conclusion, amphipods can be a nuisance to bird watchers and bird enthusiasts, but there are several ways to deter them from your bird feeder. By cleaning the feeder regularly, using a tray, moving the feeder, using a pole, or using a baffle, you can keep your bird feeder free from these pesky creatures.

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